Business Data & Statistics

Use the links below to explore online resources and tools to gain insight into the latest business data and statistics 

Regional Economic

This tool allows you to compare regions’ economic performance, distinguish their attributes and specialisations, and understand the different roles they play in the New Zealand economy. 

MBIE Data and Analysis

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment delivers a range of data, statistics, modelling, research and analytical papers. 

Stats NZ page

View statistics on population, business, labour market, society, economy and environment and access a wide range of data tools. 

Paymark / Worldline

Spending trends, highlights of retail activity and intelligence from Paymark / Worldline 

Work with us

Give us a call on 027 5440 525 or CONTACT US

Business Wairarapa works from the following co-working
hubs in Wairarapa:

3Mile, Main Street, Carterton
51 Jellicoe Street, Martinborough

PO Box 868, Masterton, 5840

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