Business Wairarapa partners with both local and national bodies to provide easy-to-access resources for your business. Click any of the links below for more information.

Get support at
CLICK HERE for more information about the Regionals Business Partners Network

Digital Boost
DIGITAL BOOST – Join thousands of other small Kiwi businesses going digital – it’s FREE! GET DIGITAL

New Zealand Business Mentors
NEW ZEALAND BUISNESS MENTORS – Looking for a Mentor for you and your business? TELL ME MORE

Connected – Financial options and initiatives to support your business and staff. MORE

Angel Investment Network
ANGEL INESTMENT NETWORK – Brining businesses and investors together. MORE
BUSINESS.GOVT.NZ – Tools and expert advice from government and industry. SUBSCRIBE

Business Data
A range of regional and national business data-check it out! SEE DATA

Help with exporting
The Ministry for Primary Industry’s (MPI) Exporter Regulatory Advice Service (ERAS) helps NZ businesses understand the rules to export food and fibre products. The team provides free 1:1 advice, and develops resources to help exporters. CLICK HERE for more information.

Being a youth-friendly business
Youth 2 Work works collaboratively with young people, whānau, educators and youth-friendly businesses to ensure all young people aged 16-24 years in the Wairarapa have the opportunity to have successful pathways into education, training and employment.
Want to be on our directory?
Work with us
Give us a call on 027 5440 525 or CONTACT US
Business Wairarapa works from the following co-working
hubs in Wairarapa:
3Mile, Main Street, Carterton
51 Jellicoe Street, Martinborough
PO Box 868, Masterton, 5840