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What is Tupu Ana Masterton?
Tupu Ana Masterton’s focus is set on empowering the local business community through targeted Local Business Networking Events, engaging Member-to-Member promotions, and effective Advocacy.

Annual Membership
By choosing to join Tupu Ana, you automatically receive all benefits of your full membership to Business Wairarapa – for one flat rate price – no matter what the size of your business is.
Should you wish to support Business Wairarapa alone, the new proposed flat rate no matter the size of your business is $250 + GST p/a
What do you get?
As Masterton’s local Business Association, Tupu Ana provides bespoke promotion and support of member businesses by:
Work with us
Give us a call on 027 5440 525 or CONTACT US
Business Wairarapa works from the following co-working
hubs in Wairarapa:
3Mile, Main Street, Carterton
51 Jellicoe Street, Martinborough
PO Box 868, Masterton, 5840