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Taming the Admin!

October 9 | 9:00 am 11:00 am

A Masterclass co-funded by ANZ

Facilitated by Wairarapa local and trainer to NZ Chambers of Commerce up and down the country, Sherie Pointon of Admin Advantage, this Masterclass equips business owners with essential skills to efficiently and effectively manage their admin.

You’ll Learn:

  • Managing Email Effectively – Strategies for taming your inbox
  • Documenting what you do – How and why you do it into an Operations Manual that captures policies, procedures and processes
  • Maintaining documentation in a way that works for you and your business
  • Introduction to tools that will help you streamline your day and keep you and your tasks on track

This workshop is a MUST for any self-employed individual, administrator or manager of a small team!

  • When: Thursday 9 October– 9.00 am – 11.00am
  • Where: The White Swan Country Hotel, Main Street, Greytown
  • Members $35 +GST (Non-Members $70 +GST)